WLMM Welcomes David Den Braber!
David Den Braber graduated from Ferris State and was a four-year starting quarterback for the Bulldog football team. He broke NCAA Divison 2 passing records in almost every quarterback-related category. He signed as a free agent with the Dallas Cowboys but was let go after the second preseason game.
He graduate from the Michigan College of Opteometry at Ferris State and is in his 33rd year of practice. He is currently an optometrist in the Grand Rapids area.
David is active with his faith, serving at Christian retreats and giving his testimony. He is a core leader in a Men’s Minsitry called “ARISE.” He and his wife AMy have been married 34 years and have 5 daughters (3 are married) 3 grandchildren and are parishioners at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Grand Rapids
Coffe & Pastries will be available. All men and boys welcomed.